Meet the team: Christina

Tini texts. Everything. And has been doing so since 2007.
thepublic founded new international communications consultancy: Joe Communications

“We believe human interaction and dialogue are the most powerful tools in the world to create understanding and motivate action.”
The Taste of Fashion Meets the Style of Champagne

In November 2019, we organized an influencer event. For this occasion, we, the Bureau du Champagne Germany and eleven Influencers came together in Mannheim.
Pink Lady Apples: test magazine Öko-Test awards the label “good”

German consumers appreciate the unique taste and appealing color of Pink Lady apples. The Öko-Test awards the laber “good” which now gives German consumers peace of mind when choosing their apples out in the store.
Meet the team: Meike

Meike Grisson. Meike has been with the agency since 2009 and now runs it together with Christian.
Prix-Champagne 2019

What a night! The Champagne Award for Joie de Vivre has been around for 21 years and since 2009 Panama PR, as Bureau du Champagne for Germany and Austria, has had the privilege of organising this prestigious award.
The world’s largest sherry fiesta

During International Sherry Week, the whole world revolves around sherry wines.
Meet the team: Christian Josephi

We begin with Christian Josephi, founder and managing director of thepublic.